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Dampak Kualitas Pelayanan dan Nilai Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan


(Survey on PT. DHL Global Forwarding, Jakarta)

Davis Prakarsa Tanod
Sulistyawati Toelle
Logistics Management Courses
Institute Transportation & Logistic TRISAKTI

This study aims to see the effect of service quality and customer value on customer loyalty at PT DHL Jakarta 2017. This research is using quantitative approach with survey method. The population of this study is the customers of PT DHL head office, Jakarta. The sample used in this study amounted to 65 respondents. The data was analyzed using validity test, reliability test, normality test, linearity, coefficient of determination, T-test, and path analysis. Based on the results of statistical tests, it can be concluded that all of the independent variables studied namely service quality and customer value have a positive influence on customer loyalty, either partially or simultaneously. Therefore customer loyalty can be increased by improving the service quality and customer value. And from the research results can be concluded that the coefficient of path variable X and to Y is 0.876 which means the direct effect of service quality with customer value, the coefficient of the path variable Y to Z is 0.942 means direct influence customer value to customer loyalty, and coefficient path variable X to Z is 0.914 means the direct influence of service quality to customer loyalty.
Keyword: service quality, customer value, customer loyalty.


With a growing number of companies engaged in the field of freight forwarding, surely any company will be vying to provide a good quality of service and maximum so that competition is happening increasingly tight. These problems make the PT DHL Global Forwarding experienced a decrease in the number of customer Jakarta still, caused the competition in the form of service (service) and the price offered.

The number of fixed or customer credit customer PT DHL Global Forwarding in Jakarta experience a ride down from the year 2014 – 2016 i.e. in 2014 as many as 67 customer remains, in 2015 rising to 69 and in 2016 dropped to 65, along with the tight competition on the service at this time. The following pictures below:

                                     Source: Secondary Data PT. DHL Global Forwarding  

Factors the causes of declining customer fixed PT Global DHL Forwarding that is due to the quality of service that is insufficient as a relatively long customs process, civility in communicating, understanding customer needs, as well as the price offered higher than those of competitors. Customer value is the difference between the value of the total customers and cost customers total customer total value which is a set of benefits that are expected by the customers of the products or specific services. It can be said that the value of a very substantial thing customers primarily in the effort of creating customer loyalty towards the company.

Based on information received then authors can summarize the problems that arise on the DHL Global Forwarding PT. namely, the existence of the termination of a contract of cooperation with the customer, among others in the year 2016 PT. Henkel Indonesia, PT. Autoliv, PT. General Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Pt. FOLDER Group. The freight forwarder company as its existence has been known as the best courier service is the best in Asia in 2013, but in fact can be said to have not been fullest.

Formulation Of The Problem :
  1. Whether quality of service take effect directly against customer loyalty DHL Global Forwarding PT?
  2. What is the quality of service to customer value PT. DHL Global Forwarding?
  3. What is the value of customer loyalty to DHL Global Forwarding PT? 
  4. Whether quality of service affect customer loyalty through customer value PT. DHL Global Forwarding?

Quality Of Service
Service quality is an important policy to keep customer support and build a large base. Many companies at this point trying to win customer loyalty by delivering quality services.
The definition of quality services centered on the efforts of the fulfillment of the needs and desires of consumers. The statement reaffirmed by Tjiptono (2010:24), which is to say that the quality of services is the expected level of excellence and control over the level of excellence to meet the wishes of the customer.
According to Kotler (2012:49) suggests that the overall quality is the characteristic as well as the nature of a product or service that is influential in its ability to satisfy the needs expressed or implied.
The Value Of Customers
According to Kotler da Keller (2009:14), States that the value of customers is a combination of quality, service and price of a product offerings. The value terhantar on customers the difference between the total value for the customer and the amount of the costs from customers. Total value for customers is a bunch of benefits expected from the service or certain baranga.
Buchari (2007:295), stating that the value of customers is the difference between the total added value acquired consumers compared to the total costs incurred.
According to the Best in (Sumarwan. 2010:30), the value of customers is the benefit obtained customers reduced purchase costs. Based on this concept, the value of the economic benefit of customers, benefit customers, and emotional benefits.
The Value Of Services
According to Kotler & Keller (2006:25), revealed that a successful company offering products/services to customers in being able to provide value and satisfaction (value and satisfaction). The value (value) is an estimate of the consumer over the entire product's ability to satisfy its needs.
Zeithalm opinion and Bitner (2000:441), consumers define value into the four definitions described as follows: the value of the product as a low price, the value is whatever the consumer wants from his Ministry, the value is the quality of the obtained instead of the price paid, the value is obtained by all who wish to return from the consumer what he gives.
According to Kotler & Keller (2006:13) there are five generic strategic value (strategic value of generic) are outlined as follows: More for less means that the company provides benefits (benefits) is more to customers who accompanied costs (cost) of the lower , when compared to the benefits and costs of a given competitor, More fore the same company is giving more benefits to customers when compared to competitors, but the fees are offered equal to competitors, Same for less is provide the same benefit with the competitors to customers with lower cost, More for more is a strategy the company where product offerings provide more benefits, it also carries higher costs compared with a competing product, Less for less i.e. low benefit and costs are low, if compared with the competitors.
Dimensions In Measuring Customer Value
According to Sweeney and Soutar in Tjiptono (2005:298), dimension value consists of 4 i.e.: Emotional value, the utility that comes from a feeling or effective/positive emotions arising from consuming your product/service, Social value, the utility gained from the ability of the products/services to enhance the concept of social consumer, Quality/performance value, the utility of the product/service because of the reduction of the cost of short term and long term, the Price/value of money, the utility gained from perception against the expected performance of products or services.
Customer Loyalty
Fatima, and jahanzeb Khan (2011) defines a "Customer loyalty, the U.S. one of the unique characteristics of an organization that is valuable, rare, inimitable and organized in such a manner that it might serve as a competitive advantage." (customer loyalty is one of the unique characteristics of an organization, that is valuable, rare, cannot be diimitasi and organized in a behavior that can give you the competitive advantage). Oliver (Kuncoro. 2010:48) says that: "Customer loyalty is a deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product or services consistently in the future, despite the situational influences and marketing effort having the potential to cause switching behavior. " (customer loyalty is the commitment to defend in depth to make a purchase or subscribe to the back of the selected product or service on a consistent basis in the future, although the influence of the situation and the marketing efforts have ptensi to cause behavior change). Study of customer loyalty so far can be divided into three categories: the approach behavior, attitude and approach integrated approach (Lupiyoadi and Hamdani. 2006:195).  Behavioral approach focuses on consumer behaviour and purchase the full measure of loyalty based on the level of purchases. Approach attitude summed up customer loyalty from the aspect of psychological involvement, favoritism, and a sense of goodwill on certain services. Integrated approach combines two variables to create its own concept of customer loyalty.
Freight Forwarding
According to HUMAN RESOURCES for logistics (2008) cited in (Baharudin, 2012), which is the management of transport services (freight forwarding) is intended to represent the interests of the owner of the goods to take care of all the activities necessary for the the implementation of the delivery or acceptance of the goods transportation via land, sea, and air which can include the receipt, storage, sorting, packing, marking, measuring, weighing, maintaining the settlement document, the publication of the document transport, calculation of costs, transport insurance, claims over the delivery of the goods as well as the settlement of bills and other costs concerning delivery of these items as of the receipt of the goods by which reserves the right to accept it.
According to Andi Susilo (2008:109), the Freight Forwarder can be interpreted as a document management service company and the transport mengatas named motorcycle/consignee and carry out his normal activities such as stuffing/unstuffing cargo, storage/warehousing, local transport, arrange payment.
The Framework Of Thought :
Customer loyalty much influenced by several factors, one of which is the quality of service and value to customers. Quality of service is comprised of 5 (five) dimensions i.e. reliability (Reliability), responsiveness (Responsiveness), guarantees (Assurance), empathy (Emphaty), and physical evidence (tangibles). While the value of customers consists of four (4) dimensions i.e. emotional value, social value, quality/performance, value, and price/value of money. Based on the above thoughts then can be described a framework of thought as in the picture below:
Research Hypotheses
Based on theory and frame of thought above, then the hypothesis that will be submitted in the process of research is:

Ha1 = quality of service effect on customer loyalty.
Ha2 = quality of service effect on the value of the customer.
Ha3 = value pelangganakan affect customer loyalty.
Ha4 = quality of service affect customer loyalty through customer value.

Engineering Data Collection
This research uses a type of quantitative research, that is the kind of research that emphasizes on testing theories through carving research variables with numeric and require analysis of data by statistical procedures. Measuring instrument of this research in the form of a questionnaire, the data obtained in the form of answers of employees against the questions asked. Based on the research objectives that have been set, then this type of research adalaheksplanatori.
According to Sani & Mashuri (2013:180), eksplanatori research is to test between the variables hypothesized. This research there are hypotheses to be tested. This Hipotesisi describes the relationship between two variables, to determine whether or not variables associated with other variables, or if the variable is caused or influenced or not by other variables.
In this study using path analysis model (path analysis) because among independent variables with variables that affect the mediation there are dependent. In this study consists of three variables. I.e. free variables (independent) service quality, customer value while bound (dependent) customer loyalty.
The population of the
According to Sani and Empress (2013:181) population is the sum of the total objects (one-unit or individuals) who allegedly wanted to see. As for the study Population by as much as 65 regular customer (corporate) DHL Global Forwarding PT Jakarta.

Testing The Validity Of
According to Singarimbun (1987) in the Sani & Mashuri (2010:249), test validity indicates to what extent a measuring device that measured mengukurapa. By using the product moment, items can be said to be valid if the question greater than 0.30.
The formula is as follows:

X = Score Item N = Number Of Respondents
Y = the Total Score Correlation Coefficient r = XY = Score Questions
Test Reablitas
According to Sani and Bapak Mashuri (2010:250), realibilitasmenunjukkanpengertian that something can be trusted to use sebagaialatpengumpulan data because the instrument is already good. To find out a measuring instrument that reliability can be tested by using the formula Cronbach'c Alpha as follows:
r11 = Reliability instrument
K = the number of grains of questions
∑ = Total variance grains
    = Total Variance

Test Requirements Analysis
Test For Normality
Normality tests are used to test whether or not Gaussian population (Sugiyono: 2005) was used to test the data that will be analyzed each variable must be Gaussian. According to Sugiyono (2009:172) technical statistics that are used to test the normality of data with the Chi Squared or Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S). Process done done using SPSS series 21.

Test Of Linearity
Linearity test aims to find out the relationship between variables X and Y variables linear or not (Riduwan: 2006)
The Value Of R2 (Coefficient Of Determination)
This coefficient of determination coefficient values are 0 < R2 < 1. " When the regression model being estimated and applied properly, the higher the quantity of R2, the greater the power of the regression equation, thus predictable from the better the kriterion variable "Sani and Empress (2013:65)

Test T
Statistical tests were used to prove significant or whether free variables influence against the variable bound individually with a confidence level of 95% and an error rate of 5%. In this case as for the message that is in a thitung > ttabel then there is influence between independent and dependent variables and so the opposite. " As for significance, if t 0.05 hence the influence < between independent and dependent variables and so instead "Sarwono (2007:167)

Path Analysis (Path Analysis)
Still according to Ridwan that path coefficient is the coefficient of the regression distandartkan, i.e. the regression coefficients were calculated from the database that has been set in raw numbers (Z-score). This analysis was aided with the help of SPSS software v21, "with the provisions of the F test at Alpha = 0.05 or p ≤ 0, 05sebagai degrees of significance F (sig. F) while for test T significance level Alpha = 0.05 or p ≤ 0.05 initiated code (sig. T) where it is used to see the significance of indirect influence of the variable variable bound against free "Sani and Empress (2013:74)

The Results Of Path Analysis (Path Analysis)
Path analysis is a technique of linear regression. This technique was used to examine the magnitude of the contribution (contribution) indicated by the coefficient of the path on each line of the diagram of causal relationships between variables X against Y and its impact on z. path analysis is a technique for analyzing the causal relationship of tejadi on regression-free if the variable affects variables depends not only directly but also indirectly (Robert d. Retherford, 1993).
This analysis was aided with the help of SPSS software v21, "with the provisions of the F test at Alpha = 0.05 or p ≤ 0.05 significance level as F (sig. F) while for test T significance level Alpha = 0.05 or p ≤ 0.05 initiated code (sig. T) where it is used to see the significance of indirect influence of the variable variable bound against free "Sani and Empress (2013:74).

                                                           Picture Of Path Analysis

Direct Influence: 
  1. Variable Path Coefficient X against Y is a direct influence of > = 0876 X against Y
  2. The coefficient of the variable Path towards Z is Y = 0942 > influence directly against Z Y
  3. Variable Path Coefficient X against Z is 0914 = > influence directly against Z X 
Hypothesis testing proved that the quality of service and the value of the influential customers significantly to customer loyalty at DHL Global Forwarding PT Jakarta. 
Direct influence of indirect influence > (0914 > 0.860988) which means the value of the variable is not mediated Customer service quality against customer loyalty. But according to the theory of value of customers also have an effect on customer loyalty as according to Executables (2008:88), quality is the guarantee of the best over customer loyalty, the strongest defense in the face of foreign competition, and the only the road to a lasting growth and income. According to Kotler (2005:71), also argues that the key to generating customer loyalty is to provide value to customers.

Based on the results of the analysis and discussions presented in the previous chapter can be obtained then some summary as follows:
  • The quality of service has a positive and significant influence of customers at PT. DHL Global Forwarding. It can be concluded that the quality of service affect the value of the customer. It is shown as a result of the termination of the contract of cooperation of the customer resulting from multiple factors i.e. civility in communicating to customers, less understanding what the customer wants, as well as the price offered is relatively higher when compared with competitors. 
  • The quality of service has a positive and significant influence towards customer loyalty. Can be drawn the conclusion that the quality of service affect customer loyalty. It is shown from the cost does not correspond to the Ministry's expected by the customer. If the quality of service is in compliance with what is expected by customers so customer loyalty will be created by itself. 
  • Value customers have positive and significant influence towards customer loyalty. Can be drawn the conclusion that the customer values affect customer loyalty. It is seen from the reduced customer remains at DHL Global Forwarding PT. who prefer switching to other service companies due to obtain services and better prices.
In this section the author wants to give some recommendations that may be useful, including:
  • DHL Global Forwarding PT Jakarta needs to improve the quality of service, can be done by way of fixing is a better way of communicating with customers, more caring and proactive if got complain from customer and provide a solution that the best.
  • Costs incurred by the customer to obtain a service especially in freight forwarding must be balanced with the acquired by the customer. Then the company should be required to seek the best, both in terms of the quality of the service and also the appropriate price so that customers can continuously use the services of DHL Global Forwarding PT Jakarta as well as recommending to the parties or company others.
  • Our Customer not only demands a good service quality but also to deals price one of the determining factors for the customer. By providing a more competitive bid prices with competitors it will increase customer loyalty to the company.
Policy Implications

From the results of the above recommendations, then DHL Global Forwarding PT Jakarta must carry out and improve the shortcomings. For if not immediately implemented from recommendations above, will result in one by one customer that already exist will be moved or withdrawn to another forwarding companies prefer what the customer wants. So this becomes a major threat to DHL Global Forwarding PT Jakarta if not immediately corrected both in terms of quality of services as already described, namely improving a good way of communicating and effectively to customers, quick response against customer complaints and also gives the best solution (a win win solution), as well as competitive prices with our peers.


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